Archive: December 27, 2013

How to Tell Your Business Story in Video

As video marketing increases in popularity, companies are competing to get the attention of their ideal customer and create a video that people want to watch and share.

Simply recording footage of how your business works, isn’t enough to achieve this. Instead viewers are engaged by strong narratives and emotional connections. So how can you increase the impact of storytelling in your own corporate video?

Start with a bang

Within seconds your viewer will decide whether or not to watch your video so you want to start strong. Try and avoid lengthy introductions to your business. Instead think about the brand image and message that you want people to have about your company and work with a company to illustrate that within the first few seconds of your video.

Have a goal

You will have a goal for producing a corporate video, but the story itself should also have a goal. What do you want to portray in your video? How your business goes above and beyond in customer service? Or how you want to open more stores in the next few years? Share your goals and ambition in your video to create an emotional engagement with your audience.

Face a challenge

Stories are much more interesting when there is a challenge or obstacles. All great films have something in the way of the hero’s dream. Share your own challenges with your viewers to increase empathy.

Feature engaging characters

When it comes to videos, we like watching people we can relate to. Think about who you want to feature in your corporate videos. Which employees will you use, or will it even be the CEO? 

Have a resolution

Every story needs a powerful conclusion. Once you have opened with a bang, outlined your dream, shared your obstacles and your engaging characters, you need to let your audience know how you will resolve your story.

This is where you want to explain the success you have in your business or how you deliver the product or service to your customer.

For more details about telling your corporate story through video, contact flycreative today.

3 Simple Metrics to Measure Video Marketing Success

Photo by Chefranden

Photo by Chefranden

As a London video production company, we often get asked by clients how they can measure the success of their video marketing campaign.

If you’ve created a corporate video to use in your video marketing campaigns, you need to  be able to measure the success of the project.

Each video marketing initiative will have different goals, but the following 3 metrics will suit most situations. It may be that you want to use video to increase sales, or use video to improve customer retention and loyalty, and perhaps you want to try and create a corporate viral video. 

Complex analytics can help you understand the reach of your video campaign but sometimes you need a faster way to assess the results.

This short guide should help:

What are the goals?

Different video campaigns will have different goals. Some will be used to try and directly influence sales, others might be to increase awareness of a new product, some videos are used as a marketing tool to increase leads and enquiries. 

It’s important to understand the goals you have for your campaigns and also to list them in order of importance. That way you have a better gauge on how the video has performed.

Once you understand your goals, after the launch of your corporate video, the most important 3 metrics to watch include:

1: Traffic or Views

The first metric of a successful video marketing campaign is how many people are actually watching your video. This is the main indication that your content is getting in front of people.

However, views don’t tell the whole story. Some video campaigns have high traffic and views but don’t really give the company the overall results they wanted. That’s where the following 2 metrics come in to complete the picture:

2. Social Shares

For a corporate video to go viral, viewers have to be moved enough to share it and this is the second part of the puzzle.

For you to expand your reach to new customers, you need your existing audiences to share the content with their social circles. Set up alerts in Google for the name of your business and video, monitor Facebook, Twitter and Google + to see if people are watching your video and then sharing it with others.

3. Conversions

Not every corporate video is there to directly increase sales, but every project needs to have a conversion that can be measured.

  • If the goal is to increase sales, then the conversion is viewers into customers
  • If the goal is to increase brand awareness, the conversion is viewers to social shares
  • If the goal is to increase prospects, the conversion is viewers to leads, enquiries or subscribers.

For more help planning your own corporate video-marketing campaign, contact flycreative today. 

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7 Steps:
Make your school’s video
content pay for itself

  • How to use your new video to attract attention and get the results it deserves
  • How the most successful independent schools are getting all the new enrolments
  • The techniques that will give you a clear, predictable return on your video investment
  • How to track and record ROI to prove your video strategy’s working