Archive: January 20, 2014

4 Tips for Increasing Authenticity With Your Video

Here at flycreative we work with London companies and organisations to showcase their products and services in films.

And in our experience as a London video production company, one of the essential ingredients for any corporate video is authenticity.

Authenticity is a word you hear a lot in this new age of marketing. Since consumer trust plummeted, companies had to try harder to prove that their promises would come true.

Fortunately one of the fastest ways to deliver this is through a video that proves you can do what you say. Authentic corporate videos are more likely to go viral than those which are polished, or try and make the viewer believe they are watching something real that is in fact staged.

So here are 4 tips we use when making videos for clients to boost authenticity: 

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How to Use Video during Your Live Event

As a business, one of your marketing campaigns may revolve around a live event that you run or participate in as a company.

This may be a conference you host, or attend, or a product launch or a supplier / customer meet-up.

Whatever the occasion, a live event is a rich resource for dynamic and eye-catching marketing video campaigns. Here are just a few ways you can use video during your live event.

Gather high-energy customer testimonials

A live video of someone talking sincerely to the camera can be more effective at times than written testimonials. Being able to actually see an attendee or customer talking about an event makes it easier for a viewer to visualise the experience.

Having a video-production company on hand at your event means you can focus on delivering a high-quality experience, without missing out on valuable feedback that you can use for future marketing.

Increase online engagement and awareness by live-streaming

If your conference or event is ticketed, you can provide live-streaming access online to people who can’t attend in person, but are happy to pay for access to the information shared at the event.

Alternatively, if your event is free, or low cost and open for more than one day, you can use live-streaming to increase awareness of the event and encourage more attendees to show up for following shows or performances.

Increase revenue by creating a product

If you are providing valuable information at your event, your company may want to consider hiring a video production company to create a professionally produced video of talks and workshops. These can then be edited and packaged and sold as a valuable product.

For more information about the video services we offer for live events, please get in touch.

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7 Steps:
Make your school’s video
content pay for itself

  • How to use your new video to attract attention and get the results it deserves
  • How the most successful independent schools are getting all the new enrolments
  • The techniques that will give you a clear, predictable return on your video investment
  • How to track and record ROI to prove your video strategy’s working