What is a micro-documentary?

If you’re thinking about using a corporate video to increase online engagement, customer loyalty and sales, you may have come across the term “micro-documentary” when searching for video production companies.

They are a relatively new approach to making corporate videos and a lot of businesses are using them to promote their product or service.

Even ordinary businesses can turn into extra-ordinary documentaries

Even ordinary businesses can turn into extra-ordinary documentaries

What is a micro documentary

A micro-documentary is typically a short documentary style video based on a specific topic. They may be anything from 1-2 minutes, 10 minutes or 20 minutes. Anything really that is shorter than a standard length documentary which is typically longer than 20 minutes.

Why do businesses use micro-documentaries?

In some cases, businesses find the documentary approach to talking about their business more effective than straight-forward advertising. A documentary typically has a strong, newsworthy narrative, so if done well, a corporate micro-documentary may be picked up by the media to gain valuable press exposure for the business.

A documentary is easier to share and reach people who would be ideal customers for the business, without it feeling like a strong sales sell. In short, a micro-documentary has more power and leverage to be shared then most traditional advertising videos.

How can you use micro-documentaries in your business?

A lot of businesses struggle with the idea of what subject they should cover in their micro-documentary but a good video production company can help you develop a newsworthy story about your business.

Some compelling ideas for your micro-documentary may include:

  • The work you do – see the dog rescue clip in this post about video marketing campaigns that went viral
  • Charitable work your business is involved in
  • Stories about your customers using your product
  • Stories about your employees and how they deliver the service
  • How the product is made, taking a glimpse behind the scenes

People love to connect with human stories rather than direct promotions of goods and services so think about how you can show something similar in your corporate micro-documentary.

Need more information about micro-documentaries?

flycreative produce micro-documentaries for businesses and organisations wanting a compelling video story about the work they do. For more information about how we can produce a micro-documentary about your business, please get in touch.