How We Cost Our Services

As a video producer you always know it’s going to be one of the first questions from a client: How much will you charge for making me a video? when thinking of cost effective and video production Brighton, why not contact flycreative for more information.

The honest answer is I can’t tell you. At least not until we’re agreed on what you want to achieve. What I can tell you is how we cost our video production service: using a straightforward per person per day calculation.

We have fixed day rates for our cameramen, editors, animators and shooting assistants. (Our team are all experienced and living in London or Brighton isn’t cheap, so everyone has a day rate upwards of £300/day.)

So, how many people will be involved in producing your video?

Video Production London

Shooting video for Kings Education in Boston

There will usually be at least two of us involved in the filming – a cameraman and an assistant to help move equipment, hold the sound boom and organise lighting.

If we’re filming a live event, we usually have a team of at least two cameramen and an assistant/sound person. Having a minimum of two cameras makes for a much more interesting video, with opportunities to switch views.

Then you’re going to need someone to cut it all together, add music and round it off as a professional production with good quality motion graphics.

(Don’t forget, you may also need to factor in time for a script writer and an animator or graphic designer, depending on what you want.)

And how much time will it take to produce the video?

The key questions here are: how many locations do we need to film in? And how many people do we need to film speaking to the camera?

Moving from location to location and setting up each time will take longer, and even though someone might only say a couple of lines, it often takes time for people to warm to the camera and get it just right.

(The enthusiasm of the subjects to be filmed can also have an impact on time, so it’s worth identifying who feels comfortable and comes across well on camera before we turn up.)

Our quick rule of thumb for the time it takes to edit your video is: double the time it takes to film it. So, half a day’s filming usually requires a day to edit. Again this does depend on the video, and often the editing time comes down the more time you spend filming, so 10 days’ filming might only require 8 days’ editing.

As a quick example of how long it takes to produce a corporate video: a simple 3-minute promotional video in a single location will usually require no more than half a day’s filming and a full day editing.

Not sure you have the budget to produce a video?

If you’re not sure whether your marketing budget will stretch to a promotional video, call us and tell us what you’re hoping to do. With an idea of your budget and your goals we will be able to tell you what’s possible, and give you some ideas of how to save on your video costs.

Contact us to discuss your video plans and we can work with our cost video production Brighton services to improve your plans.