Tag: video production company london

Pitch Hill – Behind the scenes

Video Production – Behind the scenes at Surrey Hills

All of us here at fly love a good documentary, and we’d decided it had been far too long since we all made one. The last one we produced was The Lurcher’ way back in 2014, which proudly for us was a runner-up at the Sony Production Awards 2014.

We knew we wanted to make something beautiful, insightful, and emotive and whilst we were researching possible topics, we came across mountain Biker Phil Grundy who lives in Brighton. His story was simple on the surface, he loves mountain biking and often goes out and rides – but after chatting with him more we realised that mountain biking to him is so much more than just a sport. Although his life has taken a number of twists and turns: from injuries to business struggles, mountain biking has always been his anchor and his focus to pull him through the dark times: It was this idea that we wanted to explore.




Phil getting ready for the day


We decided to shoot the film in Surrey Hills as Phil has ridden the trails there before and knows it well. We wanted to make sure we arrived before sunrise to capture our opening scene of Phil setting up the bike, but if we had known how cold it was going to be, maybe we would have waited! If the cold wasn’t bad enough, we also had to lug all of our camera kit up and down the bike trails!


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A beautiful (but cold) day in Surrey Hills


We knew that we wanted the film to have a very slow, atmospheric and emotional tone, so we decided to shoot everything in slow motion (because what doesn’t look good in slow motion!) We have access to a great range of cameras here at fly, but we decided to use our Red Epic for this shoot. The high dynamic range and resolution combined with the high frame rates offered (300fps at 2K resolution) gave us a great deal of shooting flexibility.

The red was primarily attached to a Manfrotto 529B Hi-Hat Tripod. Being lower to the ground meant that we could get some really beautiful low angle shots of Phil as he took off from the jumps, but it also meant we could be closer and get a better perspective for our super slow motion shots.


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Our Red Epic shooting at 300fps for some lovely slow motion


The weather played a crucial part in bringing this film together. The shoot had to be called off the week before because of snow (did I mention how cold it was?) but luckily, this time we were treated to a gloriously sunny (but cold) day with a perfect sunset.


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Phil standing in front of a perfect sunset


We’ll be submitting this film into action sports festivals and it will be live on Vimeo, where we hope it might even catch enough attention to garner a coveted staff pick!

We love creating stories like this for brands and what sets these type of films apart from the traditional brand film is that they give one a sincere insight into a person’s lifestyle and what the product genuinely means to them.

If you’d like to know more about our unique approach to brands then please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you!

We hope you enjoy watching it as much as we did making it.


More stories from fly




Video Production London

A Checklist of Qualities to Look for in a Video Team

When you’re looking for the right video production company for your project, you’re likely to face difficulties drawing up a shortlist. There are lots of businesses out there, which superficially seem like a good fit, but how can you find the ones best suited to you? If you’re looking online, the first thing to do is get your search terms right: for the avant-garde ballet company based in Norwich, searching for ‘video production company London’ is unlikely to be fruitful.

Otherwise, here are some qualities and attributes you should pay attention to when shortlisting film production companies.

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Video Production Companies London

How We Cost Our Services

As a video producer you always know it’s going to be one of the first questions from a client: How much will you charge for making me a video? when thinking of cost effective and video production Brighton, why not contact flycreative for more information.

The honest answer is I can’t tell you. At least not until we’re agreed on what you want to achieve. What I can tell you is how we cost our video production service: using a straightforward per person per day calculation.

We have fixed day rates for our cameramen, editors, animators and shooting assistants. (Our team are all experienced and living in London or Brighton isn’t cheap, so everyone has a day rate upwards of £300/day.)

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TeddyDogs Picnic

Questions to Ask Before Planning Your Corporate Video Campaign

As a London video production company, we guide our clients through each stage of the video production stages from marketing and creative planning, pre-production, filming and post-production.

In fact, if you have any questions about what to expect during these stages when working with a video production company, please feel free to contact us.

From our experience working with businesses on corporate video production in London, we thought it might be useful to highlight some of the most important questions it’s worth answering before you work on your corporate video.

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How to Use Your Corporate Video for Search Engine Placement

One benefit that will surprise you with video production is that video does amazingly well in terms of search engine rankings.

The competition for the majority of search engine rankings and keywords are dominated by companies that can invest a lot of time and resources into video but what you will often notice is the overall lack of video within the search results.

Search engines such as Google will give high placement to videos that are extremely valuable; they even have their own sections in the search results! If you see a lack of videos showing up for information in your niche than you can dominate the video market by being the first and best to the industry to utilize video for marketing.

Optimizing your video for Search Engine Optimization is simple:

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How to Use Video during Your Live Event

As a business, one of your marketing campaigns may revolve around a live event that you run or participate in as a company.

This may be a conference you host, or attend, or a product launch or a supplier / customer meet-up.

Whatever the occasion, a live event is a rich resource for dynamic and eye-catching marketing video campaigns. Here are just a few ways you can use video during your live event.

Gather high-energy customer testimonials

A live video of someone talking sincerely to the camera can be more effective at times than written testimonials. Being able to actually see an attendee or customer talking about an event makes it easier for a viewer to visualise the experience.

Having a video-production company on hand at your event means you can focus on delivering a high-quality experience, without missing out on valuable feedback that you can use for future marketing.

Increase online engagement and awareness by live-streaming

If your conference or event is ticketed, you can provide live-streaming access online to people who can’t attend in person, but are happy to pay for access to the information shared at the event.

Alternatively, if your event is free, or low cost and open for more than one day, you can use live-streaming to increase awareness of the event and encourage more attendees to show up for following shows or performances.

Increase revenue by creating a product

If you are providing valuable information at your event, your company may want to consider hiring a video production company to create a professionally produced video of talks and workshops. These can then be edited and packaged and sold as a valuable product.

For more information about the video services we offer for live events, please get in touch.

Should Your Company Have its Own Branded TV Channel?

debTVWith more businesses using video marketing to increase sales, improve customer loyalty and retention its no surprise that larger brands have gone all out and created their own branded TV channels.

Marks and Spencer and Debenhams are 2 main UK retailers offering a dedicated TV channel for their customers. It’s a smart move because:

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The 5 Employees You Should Use in Your Corporate Video

Quite often we work with clients who want to show a behind-the-scenes corporate video because they know that letting customers see how a product is made, or a service is delivered can increase value perception.

Sometimes the most fascinating video stories are from 'ordinary' processes

Sometimes the most fascinating video stories are from ‘ordinary’ processes

We often get asked to advise how to choose which employees should be in front of the camera in these types of corporate videos, and corporate documentaries, so here are our top tips:

The CEO / Founder

Many companies choose to use their CEO in a corporate video because more consumers today want to associate a person with a brand. In last year’s Edelman Trust Barometer report, it was shown that consumers place more trust in an ‘expert individual’ compared to an organisation.

Customer Service Representatives

Recently we consulted with a client struggling with an area of brand damage relating to customer service. We explained how video can help build a better bond between existing customers by sharing successful customer service stories, and also showing how employees work hard to resolve difficulties.

Another option is to also highlight a customer’s story where a problem has been resolved. By having your customer tell a story of problem-action-solution, you present your company as being transparent, open and authentic.

Sales Representatives

Your sales force is often your front line when representing your company. With video, you can feature a sales executive with a compelling and persuasive message and reach hundreds and thousands of customers in one go.

A video based on a sales rep is a perfect way to explain the benefits of your product and even cover some of the frequently asked questions your customers may have about your product.

Operations Employees

Whether you have a wholesale distribution business or a retail outlet, a story that explains how the product is delivered, from conception to sale can be fascinating to prospective clients, and also to the media.

Quite often, when working with businesses, we find that the processes they take for granted can have a huge impact on customers. A good London video production company 😉 can help you research which stories and people make for a compelling corporate video story.


Okay, they’re not strictly employees, but your business doesn’t exist without your customers. More importantly, customers tend to make much better stories for corporate video production. The intersection between your customer and your product is where the best story lies.

Think about the problem your customer has, how you solve it, and who would be willing to share that story. Mix those people with the cast of characters above and you have the potential for an unforgettable corporate video.

For more ideas about commissioning a corporate video, contact flycreative today.

Before you go..
Download our free ebook


7 Steps:
Make your school’s video
content pay for itself

  • How to use your new video to attract attention and get the results it deserves
  • How the most successful independent schools are getting all the new enrolments
  • The techniques that will give you a clear, predictable return on your video investment
  • How to track and record ROI to prove your video strategy’s working